Facial Yoga is a fun, relaxing and enjoyable programme for everyday living, specifically designed to rejuvenate and tone the face and neck. Two sessions teaches you how to exercise neglected muscles, quite simply a natural facelift and once learnt takes about 10 minutes to do. It can be adapted to suit individual needs.

The face needs to be exercised and toned in the same way we exercise and tone our body. 

Facial Yoga is a positive and natural way of both maintaining and re-establishing the contours of the face. It helps to promote self confidence, self esteem and a sense of inner well being and 'glow' from the inside. One feels lighter and more uplifted.

Benefits include ~ 

g  Slowing down the aging process 

g  Tones the facial and neck muscles, releases tension, increases circulation to both areas

g  Improves complexion both in texture and colour, the face looks more relaxed but with firmer contours

g  Helps to diminish jowls, fill out hollow cheeks, reduce puffiness       around the eyes and eliminate double chins 

g  Releases tension and relaxes the upper part of the body, thus relieving headaches, stiff necks and general discomforts

g  Promotes self confidence, self esteem and a sense of inner wellbeing

g  One feels lighter and more uplifted

The Facial Yoga Programme includes mini postures, simple exercises to target specific areas of the face and neck. 

Toning the circulation by working points on the face, neck and head   through gentle accupressure and massage to release tension, eliminate impurities and give a glow to the skin. 

Supplementary material includes a supporting diet, essential supplements, a good skin care regime.  

Nourishing the skin inwardly through a good diet, essential supplements, relaxation, deep breathing and a positive approach to life reflects outwardly. Feeding and protecting the skin externally enhances this.

Being able to relax body and mind reflects in our whole persona and knowing how to relax releases stress and tension as well as building our resistance to it. 

After undertaking the exercises one feels relaxed and yet energised, calm and focused.

Self Help Tips ~ Inner & Outer Nourishment

g  Enjoy life ~ have fun

g  Think positively, stay uplifted, smile and relax 

g  Listen to your body, be kind to yourself, nurture your creativity

g  Keep your emotional health in check, be prepared to make changes in life

g  Breathe diaphragmatically

g  Find time for yourself each day ~ try starting the day with meditation

g  Do exercise you enjoy

g  Sleep well and relax 

g  Eat foods that keep your blood sugar level balanced, rich in fibre, antioxidants and essential fats

g  Drink plenty of water. For a mini cleanse first thing in the morning add a slice of squeezed lemon which helps to cleanse the liver 

g  Adopt a good skin care regime



The following are some examples of  the mini postures undertaken in the Facial Yoga programme


Upper Eyelid Strengthener

Benefits:~ tones the upper eye lids. Reduces puffiness & enlarges eye sockets. 

Bend the first fingers of both hands and place firmly just beneath your eyebrows, so the fingers look hooked under the eyebrows. Bring your eyelids into your awareness. With both fingers firmly in place gently move them up so the eyebrows are raised and then slowly close both eyes and feel the eyelid stretch. Hold for the count of 10, slowly release and relax.  

Do this exercise twice.



Lower Eyelid Strengthener

Benefits:~ tones lower eye lids. Reduces puffiness. 

Place the first finger of each hand on the outside of the eye corner. Place the second finger of each hand on the inside of the eye corner. Bring the muscle beneath the lower eye lid into your awareness, think strong and up. Pulse 10 times and then squeeze the eyelids tight together    thinking up to the count of 10. Slowly release and relax.

                                                                                                       Do this exercise once.




Benefits:~ tones mouth corners.

Press the lips together firmly. Bring your mouth corners into your awareness and feel the resistance. Slowly smile out to the ears with the mouth corners. Hold for the count of 10, slowly release and relax.

Do this exercise once.




Forehead Smoother 2

Benefits:~ diminishes horizontal forehead lines, releases tension.  

Bring the forehead into your awareness and visualise it as a smooth mirror. Place the pads of the first four fingers of each hand together vertically just above the eyebrow centre in a straight line. Close the eyes and slowly feel an outward movement as you slide the pads of the fingers across the forehead towards the sides of the hair line. Slowly release and relax.  

Do this  exercise twice.



Facial Yoga Programme Includes:~

Gentle, Natural & Safe Exercises for the Face & Neck

Toning the Circulation 

Supplementary Material


Taught in two 1½ hour sessions

It can be taken in Small Classes /

Personal Tuition / In Pairs

Venue and time by arrangement

Inclusive of Course Material



Personal Tuition £75 per session 

For Couples £90 per session 



On Going Classes

Refreshers and on going classes

1 hour sessions from



Personal Tuition £50 

For Couples £55 


Please note 24 hours notice of cancellation is appreciated for Personal, Small Group Tuition, Facial Yoga Programme & Food & Nutritional Therapy, otherwise the full fee will be payable



Copyright © Sarah Holland 2009

Designed & Created by David Holland

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