Q. What style of Yoga
do you teach?
What is the format of your classes? A. Please see Classes, Prana Vinyasa and Why Yoga?
Q. Do you teach Hatha Yoga? What does Hatha mean? A. In essence my classes are Hatha Yoga. 'Ha’ means sun, which is the soul of our body. ‘tha’ means moon, which is consciousness (mind). The sun is in all of us, our soul never fades, whereas the mind or consciousness, which draws its energy from the soul has fluctuations like the phases of the moon and can move quickly and in many directions, which is why it can be so difficult to take control over the mind. Yet when consciousness (mind) and the body are brought into union with one another, both the energies and mind become still, the soul can pervade the whole body and we experience true stillness. The underlying continuum of life, likened to Yin and Yang, qualities of solar and lunar practices, balancing of the left and right side of the brain, uniting our inner and outer world.
Q. What equipment do I need for a Yoga class? A. You will require a mat for Yoga, which can be sticky or both foam and sticky on top, which gives complete versatility. A rug is useful too, preferably of a coarser texture. A firm cushion for sitting on or better still a happy monk stool.
Q. What should I wear? A. Loose comfortable clothing that you can move in. I don't advise trousers that are tight around the waist or hips, these greatly restrict breathing and movement. Ensure you are warm, layers can be taken off.
Q. What happens if I am not able to arrive on time to a class? A. This occurs for many different reasons. Naturally I would always ask you if possible to come into a class 5-10 minutes before we start. If you are late please come into the class take your shoes off and come in as quietly as possible. Find a space and then join in the class when you feel ready.
Q. If I am not able to come to my regular class may I come into a different class during the same week? If I am on holiday can I make up the class? A. Please see 'My Offerings' on the Classes page. |
Q. If I move from the Living Yoga to Living Vinyasa or Prana Vinyasa, is it going to be much more advanced? A. The format of all my Yoga classes are very similar. New practices will be introduced and practices are further developed. However most practices can be modified or alternative practices can be given. If for any reason I feel it would be more helpful for you to stay in the Foundation class we would discuss this, but remember Yoga is about working with yourself, not measuring yourself by what others can do.
Q. Should I practice Yoga on the same day I have had body work therapy eg Acupuncture, osteopathy, massage? A. My answer here is simply No. Always allow 12-24 hours of rest after any form of body work, so the treatment can take effect.
Q. How long until I will feel the benefits of Yoga practice? A. Making that decision to practice Yoga has an immediate benefit, you have made a positive commitment. You will be exposed to movement and practices that we simply do not do within our every day life. You will start to feel a greater sense of body awareness and find niggly problems becoming easier and start to disappear and in time the practice of Yoga has an effect on all aspects of our life's.
Q. What do I do if there is a practice in class I am not able to do? A. There are certain practices undertaken in class, Shoulderstand is a good example where I offer alternatives. Sometimes students like to just remain resting in Shavasana. Always listen to your own body and undertake what feels right for you. Q. A comment that might arise in a class is, ' I do not like doing this Asana'. What do I do?
A. Do not worry. Usually other students comment as to how they feel too. There are always Asana's that we come into that challenge or we find much harder. Move into the pose slowly using the breath, find comfort and ease, be there and breathe. Your body will gently open deepening the stretch when it feels ready.
Q. I would like to read more. Can you recommend any books? A. There are many books written on the subject of Yoga. I can recommend books but my suggestion to you is to have a look at books on Yoga for yourself and buy what you get drawn to. Enjoy. We are all exploring and looking for different aspects. |
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