Class in Forest Row. Embrace the Vinyasa and allow Prana to guide you

Prana ~ ‘life-force of creation’
Vinyasa~ ‘the state of unified consciousness’

Prana VinyasaÒ is a creative full-spectrum approach to embodying the flow of yoga cultivated by Shiva Rea and the Global Vinyasa Collective of Teachers. Students of all levels are empowered to experience Prana - the universal source of breath, life-energy and conscious intelligence - as the navigating source of yoga practice and vital living. Experience innovative approaches to Vinyasa Yoga and the state of flow within the rhythm of class.

My Prana VinyasaÒ journey began when I bought Fluid Power DVD with Shiva, which quite simply ’sung to my heart’. After taking this module I signed up on the course! Shiva is such an empowering, inspirational and dynamic teacher, which you take with you into your own teaching, personal practice and life. I am looking forward to sharing these classes with you!

Prana VinyasaÒ 

classes embrace 

Chanting and Music ~ Music sets the bhava for a lunar or solar class

  Moonlight floods the whole sky, from horizon to horizon. How much it can fill your room depends on its windows. Grant a great dignity, my friend to the cup of your life. Love has designated it to hold its eternal wine ~ Rumi.

 And still, after all this time, the Sun has never said to the Earth, you owe me. Look what happens with love like that. It lights up the sky ~ Rumi.

Movement Meditation introduces the direction of the class, initiates the state of flow and sets the intention, is embraced with the universal and natural sound of chanting Om. It will complement the practice to follow 










Namaskars or Salutations ~ Honouring the elements and bowing to the present moment, realizing the essence, namaskars or salutations practiced will support the peak asana. They have different purposes for circulation, rejuvenation, multi directional or circular movement 

Wave Sequencing ~ is the main body of the class and consists of multi directional sequencing, which integrates standing poses, arm balances, backbend, forward folds, twists, hip openers through a creative and dynamic method based upon vinyasa krama and counterbalancing. Wave sequencing explores our innate creativity so we always keep the practice of Yoga alive

Mudra Meditation & Pranayama ~ Culminates the asanas, slows the body and path of the breath way down, allows for opening into meditation and to cultivate a healing state of consciousness. Pranayama is an integral part of the class and the choice of would reflect the practice undertaken

Healing Savasana ~ absorption, bliss, the melting of the body into the earth, the opening of the body to space, returning home, allowing for deep relaxation and healing 

Prana VinyasaÒ classes are ritual sadhanas, breath inspired journeys that offer a complete spectrum (ha-tha) of rhythms from meditative and rejuvenating to the challenging and empowering. The wave of a class is created through cycles of effective and creative sequences (vinyasas) linked together through the breathwave. Every class is well rounded following the mandala of body and asanas to create whole body transformation of strength and fluidity, circulation and centering 



Copyright © Sarah Holland 2009

Designed & Created by David Holland

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